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Updates (Last updated: 2024-08-26)

  • Added the following to the resources for relevant information (2024-08-26):
  • Resources
    • NIST SP 800-63Bsup1 Japanese Translation
  • Published Version (2024-04-24)
  • Added the following to the list of registered authenticators (2024-04-01):
  • Google Authenticator
  • Microsoft Authenticator
  • FIDO-Compliant Devices
  • UPKI Digital Certificate Issuing Service, Client Certificate
  • Posted the Risk Assessment Sheet for Authenticator Operation (2024-04-01)

Registered Authenticators

List of Registered Authenticators

Authenticator Name or Compliance Standard Authenticator Version Providers Authenticator Types Authenticator Category Factors Approval Date GakuNin Review Standards Update Date
Possession Biometric Knowledge
Google Authenticator 6.0 Google Single-Factor OTP Device Single-Factor 2024/2/29 Ver.1.0 2024/4/1
Microsoft Authenticator 6.2312.8150 Microsoft Single-Factor OTP Device Single-Factor 2024/2/29 Ver.1.0 2024/4/1
FIDO(FIDO2) 1.2 Proposed Standard Authenticator manufacturers that design and manufacture based on the specifications of the FIDO Alliance Multi-Factor Cryptographic Device Multi-Factor 2024/2/29 Ver.1.0 2024/4/1
FIDO(CTAP1(U2F)) 1.2 Proposed Standard Authenticator manufacturers that design and manufacture based on the specifications of the FIDO Alliance Single-Factor Cryptographic Device Single-Factor 2024/2/29 Ver.1.0 2024/4/1
FIDO(UAF) 1.2 Proposed Standard Authenticator manufacturers that design and manufacture based on the specifications of the FIDO Alliance Multi-Factor Cryptographic Device Multi-Factor 2024/2/29 Ver.1.0 2024/4/1
UPKI Digital Certificate Issuing Service: Client Certificate Compliant with the specification changes on 2023-12-14 SECOM Trust Systems Co., Ltd. Single-Factor Cryptographic Software Single-Factor 2024/3/29 Ver.1.0 2024/4/1

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