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Contact Us

Contact Form

Please post your inquiry through the web system for submission (Jira Service Desk)

Obtaining a Login Account

To use this system, you will need a dedicated account.

If you are using it for the first time, please follow the link ‘Contact Us Here’ below. Once redirected, sign up for an account by entering your email address, password and name in the ‘Sign Up for an Account’ section on the right side of the screen. The account you create here can be used for inquiries across various services, including GakuNin, the UPKI Digital Certificate Issuing Service and eduroam JP.

Inquiry Process

After signing up/logging in, please select the category that best matches your question and submit your inquiry.

You will receive our response via email from: You can also check responses by logging into the system and going to ‘Requests - My Requests’ in the top-right corner.

To reply to a response, you can either reply to the email you received or add a comment to the inquiry in My Requests.

For inquiries, please click here